Polynomial Approximation of a One Parameter Family of (Un)Stable Manifolds with Rigorous Computer Assisted Error Bounds.

Author: Jason D. Mireles-James

Abstract:This work describes a method for computing polynomial expansions of a one parameter branch of stable or unstable manifolds associated with hyperbolic fixed points or equilibria of a family of analytic dynamical systems. We develop a-posteriori theorems which provide mathematically rigorous bounds on the truncation errors associated the polynomial expansions. The hypotheses of these theorems are formulated in terms of certain inequalities which are checked via a finite number of calculations on a digital computer. Exploiting the analytic properties of the dynamical systems we are able to obtain mathematically rigorous bounds on the jets of the manifolds, as well as on the derivatives of the manifolds with respect to the parameter. A number of example computations are given.

  • "Polynomial Approximation of a One Parameter Family of (Un)Stable Manifolds with Rigorous Computer Assisted Error Bounds" Indagationes Mathematicae (Available Online October 2014).

    "Preprint available here"

  • Computer Assisted Proof Codes and Documentation: (codes require the IntLab package)

  • "The user guide"

  • Compressed Folder Containing all the MatLab/IntLab scripts used in the paper.